What We Do:

Stressed Out SLP


Smooth Sessions

In short, we take stressed out speech-language professionals, add resources, tools, and supports, and help reduce work load and stress.  We help you help them!

Our Story

As a speech-language pathologist (SLP) working in the schools, I often found myself over-worked, under-appreciated, and flying by the seat of my pants during some of my sessions.  Sure, I knew that every thing I did needed to be backed by research, but when was I supposed to have time to sit down and pore through the latest research?  Between coordinating the schedules of the classroom teachers and driving all over town for my itinerant students, I barely had time to eat lunch!  Let alone sit down and research a specific topic.  These kids were depending on me!  And I didn’t feel like I was helping them in the way I should.

And I found that I wasn’t alone.  

Across the nation, SLPs are struggling to keep up with large case loads, piles of paperwork, and an ever-changing body of research upon which we’re supposed to base our practice.  It’s just too much.  That’s why I created Speech and Language Kids and The SLP Solution!


Task Analysis to the Rescue!

I found my saving grace to be task analysis.  Yes, I know that sounds weird.  Yes, I know I’m a nerd.  But when I started breaking down larger skills into step-by-step plans, I felt like I could take a breath and relax a bit.  Task analysis is backed by research and for me, breaking these skills down comes second nature to me.  I LOVE IT!

So I started sharing what I was doing.  At first, I was just blogging about what I was doing.  Just writing down my task analysis steps with brief descriptions of how to work on each step.  I wrote it in a way that parents could understand but SLPs could use in their therapy sessions.  And I started building a following!  Over time I built up massive list of SLPs who benefit from using my task analysis break-downs in therapy to make sure that what they’re doing is effective, backed by research, and is going to support the children they work with in the best ways possible.

Now, instead of helping just the 30-40 preschoolers on my caseload, I’m helping thousands of children across the world!  And I couldn’t be more proud!


Enter this Membership:

As my list grew, I found myself spending all of my time answering questions via email about the tough cases that my followers were facing.  I also found myself answering many of the same questions over and over again.  My challenge then became finding a way to help even more SLPs with the time I had available. And thus, the membership was born.

The SLP Solution membership allowed me to answer a question from a member once and then post that video online so the other members could see as well.  This grew into a huge database of training videos, worksheets, and step-by-step guides to help SLPs create therapy sessions that truly help the little ones who depend on us!

Now, the mission I started with The SLP Solution is continuing over at The Speech and Language Kids Hub!  I am so pleased to be able to help so many SLPs across the world!  We as SLPs are caregivers and we care so much about those that we serve.  It’s about time that someone was there to support us!

About Carrie

Carrie Clark, MA CCC-SLP

Pediatric SLP

Carrie Clark is the founder and owner of Speech and Language Kids, a website that is focused on the pediatric side of speech-language pathology. Carrie’s super power is taking complex topic and breaking them down into easy-to-follow step-by-step plans.  She also loves the challenge of trying to solve a problem.  Through her membership program at The SLP Solution, Carrie is able to help thousands of speech-language pathologists by digging through the research on various speech-language pathology topics or therapies and creating quick and simple resources that break it all down.  Carrie and her team of mentors further support their members by answering questions in the exclusive member groups and brainstorming ideas and solutions for tough cases and situations.

While Carrie loves being able to help so many SLPs individually, she is also passionate about coming up with ways to help the profession as a whole.  She’s still not sure exactly how to go about that, but she knows that she has a tremendous opportunity to improve our profession and she intends to take advantage of that opportunity in whatever way she can!

Helping You Help Them

Our Mission

We all got into this field because we wanted to help.  But high caseloads, tons of paperwork, and not enough planning time leads to burn-out and stress.

The SLP Solution’s mission is to support you with tools, resources, and expert advice so that you can be there for the children who depend on you!

*** The SLP Solution is for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide medical or psychological advice.  We provide general resources but cannot tell you exactly what should be done for a specific client.  Every client is different and your clinical judgement should be used when making decisions about specific individuals.

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